Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Quick Question...

I have a quick question, but it requires a little background. Some of you are familiar with my current bathroom setup, and so this next little bit is unnecessary, but for the rest, I will explain the setup. My bathroom is small, and by small, I mean SMALL. The way it is laid out is such that the sink does not have a cabinet built around the bottom, because when sitting on "Le Jon", your knees go under the sink. I suppose this could be convenient if you were violently ill at both ends, but that is gross, and not the point. What IS the point, and which may be similarly gross, is as follows. I know that many people use the bathroom first thing in the morning, and often brush their teeth in the same trip. I would think that this question would then apply more so to the ladies due to the laws of probability or something, but here it is: As a time-saving measure, is it OK to brush your teeth while sitting on the toilet if the sink is right there? It seems potentially convenient enough to bring up, but I think I am leaning towards "no". Let me know what you think.


Kamikaze Pigeon said...

While it is likely that people do save time by doing this, I could never do it.

If I were to brush my teeth on La Jon, I know I would be unable to separate the two acts in my head. The idea that I was brushing my teeth with something other than toothpaste would inevitably get lodged into my head (while not being able to ignore the fact that your nose helps with your sense of taste). Ew! And the idea that I was rinsing out my mouth with something other than water would also get lodged. Double ew!

Yes, I say keep shit and urine separate from daily mouth cleanliness! (Unless you are talented and are able to keep the acts completely separate in your head… if you can, kudos to you!)

--ThatGuy said...

Not being a woman, but having ample breasts nonetheless, I consider myself an authority on this subject.

Yes this is acceptable. If you're going to be gritting your teeth you might as well be brushing them.

And here's a tip: you can save extra time by washing your hands while on "Le Can" rather than after.

Unknown said...

Can't say I've ever done that double act, however I do, on occasion, brush my teeth in the shower.

Mike Henninger said...

This didn't last long. Don't you have a lot to write about now that you're back from ATL? And don't you have time since you haven't started your new job yet?